Friday, November 7, 2008

Overheard Conversations....

Typical playtime conversation around here....

Chandler to Ashley - " Momma, they're being mean to me."
Ashley to Chandler - "So? I'm not even the mom. I'm the sister. And, anyway, they're cats."

Overheard from the playroom....

One child said, "The puppy was chewing on Jessica's shoes."
Another child answered excitedly, "I've been to Chucky Cheese, too!"

Have you ever had a conversation where, when it's over, you realize nothing has actually been said? Here's a conversation we had in the van as we were leaving the bank drive-thru recently.

Taryn - " Who that?"

Me - "Just the woman who works at the bank."

Taryn - "Why?"

Me - "That's her job."

Cassidy - "Who?"

Me - "The woman who works at the bank."

Taryn - "Who that?"

Me - "The bank woman."

Cassidy - "Who is she?"

Me - "The woman who works at the bank."

Taryn - "Why?"

Me - "That's her job."

Cassidy - "Who is it?"

Me - "The woman working at the bank."

Cassiday and Taryn - "Oh."

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